Ted Howard Stockmanship
My goal is to work with stockmen and women to utilize their horse successfully in low stress cattle handling situations. By learning basic horsemanship principles, a stockman can learn to ask of their horse properly when handling cattle. There is nothing more rewarding to me than helping someone become a partner with their horse to achieve their stockmanship goals. This can be accomplished in a clinic setting or on a one on one basis.
Horsemanship and Stockmanship basic principles can be used and adapted in many different environments. Those of us in feed yards, on ranches, in sale barns or hauling cattle have the opportunity to impact the animals we work with in a positive manner. Each positive interaction along these animals’ life path build trust and acceptance. The trust and acceptance we achieve helps us to deliver a healthy and consistent product to our consumers.
We are not only entrusted with the wellbeing of our livestock. We are also entrusted with the wellbeing of the stockmen and women in our organizations. Training and development of your key stockmen is very important to the sustainability of your stockmanship goals and expectations. I am very interested in your operation and how I can partner to help you achieve your goals. An onsite visit to your operation will help to determine the type and intensity of the training your team will benefit from.
Team Building